After visiting the F-Stop Gallery in the Ouseburn last week, Gallereo is proud to announce that
Digital Lab, owner of the F-Stop Gallery will be creating a project for photographers using Gallereo.
Digital Lab is a professional photo lab based in Newcastle upon Tyne that has been working with photographers since 1949, achieving award winning results with their work. Digital Lab work with everyone from top level professional photographers, right down to photography students who are just starting out.
Along side their well respected lab business, Digital Lab have opened the F-Stop Gallery which is an accompanying exhibition space where they are able to hold shows for photographers that they work with. The gallery has proven extremely popular with the space booked out solidly for the rest of the year, with a new exhibition taking place each month.
Digital Lab will be using Gallereo to create an online portal to compliment their exhibition schedule where each photographer will get dedicated online gallery space and the chance to show and sell their work to a worldwide audience.
We are really pleased to be working with Digital Lab and F-Stop, and look forward to seeing the exciting things that they can pull together for their site.